We Stand With John Henry In Our Fight For Our Reparations

What the Fuck! Dozens of reparations groups are active, yet some undermine each other—pure nonsense. The powers that be exploit our disunity. Whether you believe in God or not, "A HOUSE DIVIDED CAN'T STAND!" Advocating unity among Black American reparations movements is crucial. The Willie Lynch letter deliberately divides us. Together, we defy this legacy, amplify our voice for justice, and demand reparations addressing centuries of exploitation. Let's honor our ancestors and build a future where restorative justice restores dignity and opportunity for all Black Americans.

W.R.G. Jr
Black Man
American Descendants of Slavery
For centuries, the descendants of American slaves have borne the brunt of systemic racism, economic exclusion, and social injustice. Today, we stand at a pivotal moment in history where our collective voices can transform the landscape of our nation. Reparations are not just about compensation; they are about healing, dignity, and the restoration of our communities. Our mission is to unite every advocate, every ally, and every organization in a powerful, coordinated effort to secure reparations and build a more just and equitable society for all.
As the wife of W.R.G. Jr., I stand with conviction on the imperative of unity among Black American reparations movements. The Willie Lynch letter serves as a stark reminder of the insidious tactics used to divide our community. By standing together, we defy this history of discord and amplify our collective call for justice. Our unity is our strength, empowering us to confront systemic injustices and demand reparations that rectify generations of economic exploitation and social marginalization. Together, we honor our ancestors' resilience and strive for a future where every Black American receives the reparative justice they deserve.

L.Hope G.
Black Woman